Sex offender sent to prison for possession of “Child Porn” and Bestiality

Clovis, NM  Ninth Judicial District Attorney Quentin Ray announced that on February 10, 2025, Timothy Harper, age 54, of Clovis, pled guilty to Possession of visual medium of sexual exploitation and Bestiality.

On August 17, 2024, an organization called the Colorado Ped Patrol requested the Clovis Police Department dispatch officers to the home of Timothy Harper in reference to a sex offense. Colorado Ped Patrol informed officers that Harper using Facebook initiated contact with a fake account posing as a 13-year-old female named “Molly.” Harper engaged “Molly” in conversation over a 2-week span through Facebook and later a “text now” phone number attempting to establish a relationship and in person meeting. The conversation between Harper and “Molly” was of a sexual nature with Harper sharing explicit photos including photos of himself engaging in sexual activity with one of his dogs. When officers spoke to Harper, he admitted to speaking with “Molly” clarifying he believed her to be a 14-year-old female. Harper also admitted to having sexual intercourse with at least one of his dogs and having numerous photos containing child porn on his phone. An execution of a search warrant on Harper’s phone confirmed the information provided to officers.

On February 10, 2025, the Honorable Benjamin Cross sentenced Harper to 11 ½ years in the Department of Corrections, followed by 1 year of parole for his actions. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his natural life. After serving his sentence, Harper is not allowed to own, possess, reside with or exercise control over any animal for 15 years, the maximum period provided for under New Mexico statute.

The case was prosecuted by Anthony Jaimes, Assistant District Attorney. Timothy Harper was represented by Angelina Baca, Public Defender.

For more information, please get in touch with the Office of the District Attorney at 575-769-2246.